Love Lines Crisis Center
About Us
Our phone counseling ministry offers compassionate support and guidance to individuals facing various challenges.
Some common issues we help with are emotional distress, suicidal thoughts, and more. We are here to help you find hope and healing.
Counseling services are available for individuals facing a wide range of personal and emotional challenges, including but not limited to relationship issues, grief, stress, anxiety, depression, and more.
Whatever you’re going through, we are here to support you.

Love Lines Crisis Center
Our Mission, Vision, and Values
Our goal is to establish counseling, prayer, and support centered around Christ. We are here to assist those in need.
Our mission is to seek to establish Christ-centered counseling, prayer, and support ministry centers worldwide.
Our vision is through the use of Christian volunteers, trained to provide both practical and spiritual counsel, Lovelines offers help to the hurting either by phone or internet.
About Us
Rarely does God place small visions into His children’s hearts, and He made no exception with Dan and Diane Morstad.
Even with their modest ministry launch in March of 72’, they knew the space they occupied at a Christian college in Minnesota wouldn’t be large enough to hold their dream of global ministry, 24/7, to those in need.
Over the next few years their expectations were confirmed as Love Lines Crisis Center gathered steam, going full-time in 1977. A one-of-its-kind ministry, their impact on the Twin Cities and beyond was immediate.
Equally impactful was the influence Love Lines had on those whom God directed to volunteer in support of an ever-expanding vision. Dan had an astonishing gift of connecting with people from every denomination and stream, drawing out their love and heart for service to others. Even the training program for counselors was near-legendary, with students experiencing the power of God in miraculous and life-changing ways.
Dan also had an unrelenting determination to reach people in any way possible, often realized through a cutting-edge, “all things are possible,” perspective.
In 1985, he launched the Love Lines television show, personally hosting it until 2007. 1994 saw Love Lines go global with its first website. Adding to their worldwide influence in 95’, they opened training centers on multiple continents. These were established by their Global Missions department, a ministry that continues to this day. 2003 birthed their Healing Rooms, committed to seeing God’s power made manifest to those desperately in need of physical healing.
Since its inception, Love Lines has ministered to over two million people, one precious soul at a time. Each year thousands of callers are counseled, prayed for, divinely healed, and set free. People intent on suicide are saved, and the lost come to a personal knowledge of Christ.
As Love Lines looks to the future, change is inevitable, but one constant remains: An unwavering commitment–first birthed by God in Dan and Diane–to bringing God’s heart of love and compassion to those most in need.
If that heart for the hurting burns in you as well, please pray about joining us. We’re certain it’s a decision you’ll never regret.
In the Father’s love,The Love Lines Family